Monday, December 4, 2017

Grandbaby #10 update!

It is hard to believe that we have roughly three months until baby Forysth will be here. A family friend has said that the couple has chosen to wait to find if it's a boy or girl when it arrives.


  1. It's definitely hard to believe...looks out it will be born between New Year's and Valentine's Day.

    1. How do you know? That's a big 6 weeks gap between guessing. What are you trying to say?

    2. It will be well before March...that is if she hasn't given birth already. She is conspicuously absent from the family Thanksgiving photos.

    3. @8:11 AM
      Joy is due in late February so it looks like the baby will be born anywhere from Valentine's day to St. Patrick's day.

      They are just saying their feeling on when the baby might be born

      @4:35 PM
      Joy might have been at her in-laws for Thanksgiving or behind the camera.

    4. How convenient...

    5. That baby will come when he/she is ready!

  2. Is Kendra pregnant?

    1. There has not been any word if Kendra is pregnant with her first child. They haven't announced it yet.

  3. FINALLY...YEAH..I have been waiting for a Duggar or Bates to wait and find out the sex of the baby on the day it's born.Alot of their traditions are from days of old or as some would say old fashioned.They want natural births and excetra, so you would think that one of these families would choose to do what woman have done since the beginning of time before ultrasounds can to be.Good job Joy for waiting to be pleasently surprised.Sometimes I can see if you are on a budget and knowing the sex would help with clothes and all that, but we all know they are not hurting for funds.I am happy they are in good shape where their financial future is concerned.This wait is so much more exciting now��������

  4. I would want to find out the sex before birth. What if you feel strongly about having a boy, for example, and in fact will be having a girl? You might need time to adjust. My friend was dreaming about a little boy, and how they will go play tennis together, and how she will name him.... and oops, it was a girl. So my girlfriend was like confused for sometime, it's just not how she imagined it..


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