Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Recap: The Bachelor Party

Ben and Jessa head to find out what they are having. The couple brings Jana and Joy to find out the gender. Ben and Jessa have chosen to keep the baby's gender a secret until the baby is born like they did with their first child.
Jeremy is heading into town with his friends Luis and James for their parties. Jeremy doesn't want to go out on the town but spend time with their family and friends.
During the first night, the group heads to the escape room to solve a puzzle with the girls but neither one is able to do it when they go boys vs girls. The girls do get father than the boys.
The boys head to play golf the next morning. Jeremy is not sure about golfing expect for his friend, Luis.
The girls are hanging out at the Duggar family home to make jewelry for the wedding. Josie is also helping the girls. They are talking about the first kiss when Jinger says that she is nervous about the first kiss but excited.
The girls are happy for Jinger and Jeremy but aren't looking forward to the move to Texas that Jinger will make. The family loves spending time together. Jinger also does the shopping and the laundry for the family so others will have to do it.
Jeremy heads back to Laredo for church but is excited that he only has one more month until the wedding.
The Dillards head to Oklahoma State University so Derick can ride in the Pistol Pete float. Most of his family attended Oklahoma State University where Derick and his father wore the mascot outfit. Derick waits until the parade to wear the costume and greets fans.
Jill reveals that her parents would be happy if the kids went to college somewhere else. The older siblings have certifications and skills but none of them have attended a traditional university.
The Dillards head for a walk around the campus where Cathy takes Jill to the dorm room where Derick was living when she told him that his father had passed away.  Rick had been healthy at the time that he passed away but the doctors think that it had something to do with high blood pressure.

1 comment:

  1. The Bachelor Party sounds amazing. I hope you all enjoyed that. My cousin is getting married so she also threw a funky all night girls only bash recently at the local Seattle venues. It also turned out to be very enjoyable and it was my first night out bash so was very special for me.


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