Saturday, January 23, 2016

Update on Anna

Many have asked how I am doing. So many have asked that it's actually humbling and touching. 2015 was the most difficult year of my life. Yet, amazingly I’ve found that in my own life crisis God has drawn near to me ("He’s near to the brokenhearted” Psalms 34:18) and my faith has been more precious to me than ever before.
Anna Duggar
Just recently I visited Josh. It was an important step on a long difficult road. I want to thank all of you for your prayers and your messages of hope. I can never express how your kindness and prayers have brought encouragement when I needed it most—outpacing the grief and discouragement at every turn.

I trust that God will continue to show His love and tenderness toward us and bring beauty from ashes—somehow—as only He can do. Please continue to pray for me, Josh and our children.”



  1. God bless you Josh and Anna and the rest of your family May god continue to bless you and the whole Duggar family!!!!

  2. Anna I am praying for you and your family, May god continue to bless you and the whole Duggar family!!!!

  3. Praying for you Anna. I have been in your shoes. God is good Anna just turn your heart to him and he will give you peace that you need. I saw the miracle happen in our lives it took about 3 years to see God's out come. Praise to God when we repent and see sin as God sees it.

  4. A true Woman of God. She trusts in the Lord with all her heart and does not lead on her own understanding or feelings. God will see Anna and her family through this and God will continue to strengthen her. God bless you Anna.

  5. You are a better women than I could ever be. I hope Josh will make better decisions in the future, if not leave him. No woman has to put up with a husband like Josh.

  6. prayers for you Anna I miss seeing the whole Duggar clan stay near God and what you are going will make you the person you are supposed to become


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