Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Recap: A Baby Girl for Joe and Kendra

At 38 weeks pregnant, Kendra reveals that she has a boost of energy and gets all the necessary tasks before Addison arrives. The younger Duggar siblings arrive to help Joe and Kendra clean and move the furniture. The kids also end up finishing Kendra's fresh biscuits. Kendra says that sometimes when you have little helpers, they create more of a mess then helping. Kendra admits that she felt more ready after getting help.
Jim Bob reveals that once you have your second child that it's more work but manageable and when you have three then you are outnumbered along when you have more children then life gets busier but when the little ones get older than they will be able to help out.
Ben and Jessa are taking Henry (almost three) to get his speech evaluate. The therapist says that Henry is getting caught up and is doing well.
In LA, Felicity is trying out her new scooter. Jeremy says that his daughter is very adventurous and loves trying new things. Jeremy is going to  take skateboarding lessons from a famous skateboarder Brian Sumner. Both of the men are Christians and have experienced a major life transformation when they came to know the Lord. Jeremy reveals that he was arrested for drinking and realized that he can't live like this and called himself Christian.
Just five days before her due date, Kendra is having significant contractions and is about four cm delated. At bedtime, the couple takes Garrett to Kendra's parents home. They head home and end up going to the hospital at 1am. Kendra is not sure about going and doesn't want to interrupt anyone's sleep but Joe insists that it's time.
Kendra is admitted to the hospital and is four cm dilated so the couple walks the halls. Before too long her water breaks and her mother arrives. She reveals that she needs to push but her doctor is at another hospital delivering another baby. The nurses want her to wait but Kendra reveals that she doesn't care if her doctor is there. The nurses decide to go ahead with the birth and the baby arrives at 5:33am weighing 7lbs and 12ozs.
Later that morning, the family and Garrett arrive to meet the baby.


  1. I love the Duggar family and admire them greatly. Both Jim Bob and Michelle really took on a lot when they made a committment to Our Lord by giving their lives and their lives of the children completely to Our Lord and Saviour and serve Him with a Humble heart. It surely was not an easy walk. To have children and to worry about their salvation must be a difficult thing as well. They gave their best. Gave their all. And have been misunderstood and attacked by so many. You are a remarkable fa.ily. stay strong.

  2. I am very fond of several of Duggar Children for different reasons. Jana has the hardest walk. It is not an easy one. She is so devoted to her Saviour and is waiting on Him for answers to her prayers. Such a remarkable woman with such depth and character and wisdom and love. There is Jessa who showed such dedication to her views and convictions and strong beliefs. Your parents were wise when they felt your strengths would serve Jesus well. Jessa family is truly amazing. Jessa does not sell herself as a product as her other siblings such as Jinger and Jill. Jessa does not aim to please anyone else but her Livim g God as Jana does. Joe is another admirable person and Kendra. And Abby. God Bless You. But Jill and Amy you have lost sight of serving a living God but seem to serve $$$ and fame.How disappointed your grandmother Mary would be.


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