Friday, March 24, 2017

Duggar girls on Crown of Beauty maganize

Jana and Jinger
Over the weekend, we got news that the Duggar girls are going to be issued on Crown of Beauty which is coming soon so make sure that you keep up to date with the blog for the announcement. To read the full article, you can click here.

Jana has said "I have enjoyed many ministry opportunities, from going on missions trips, to just being at home serving and ministering to my family and many others that come through our home!" She also adds about being single still "I know how it feels to wait for “Prince Charming” to come along. I’m still waiting. Waiting is not always easy. Especially in those times when all the married siblings are getting together and you can’t go along because your not part of “that” group. But waiting doesn’t mean sitting and literally waiting."

Jinger describes her relationship with Jeremy: Jeremy was a young man who I saw had a passion for not just knowing about God but truly knowing God. Seeing his passion for the Scriptures and love for souls is what initially drew me to him

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