Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Derick and Jill's birth story with baby #1

Jill had been in labor for 70 hours which is almost three days.  Jill knew that she wanted to do a home birth with her first child but that did not happen.
Jill knew that most first time moms last for about a week and half over their due date. She decided to head to spicy food to start her labor. Jill's water broke at 41 weeks and five days pregnant and complications started to happen.
Jill tested positive for Strep B and needed to start taking antibiotics via an IV.
After 20 hours, Jill saw that that she had a faint stain of meconium and knew that her child was in distress and needed to go to the hospital. Jill was praying the whole time for extra strength. She was really scared.
Jill did not want to do Pitocin or pain medication however later on she had to get an C-section since he kept getting breech and not the best heart raters.
Jill revealed that she loves her birth story since it made them stronger. Jill revealed that Derick is changing all the diapers and letting Jill recover!

Check out All about Israel: First week of life and his birth announcement

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy that you and Israel are doing great. How scary. I'm such a fan of you both and your family. I wish you 3 the best. Take care Jill way to go Derick.


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