Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Recap: Beverly Hills Duggars

Josiah, Lauren, John and Abbie head to birthing class. Lauren is 30 weeks pregnant while Abbie is 18 weeks pregnant. Both of the girls are planning to do hospital birth with a natural delivery. Lauren reveals that her mom had always done hospital births and feels more comfortable for a hospital birth. Miss Teresa taught the class back when Anna and Michelle went while pregnant with Mackynzie and Josie.
During the class, Miss Teresa straps pumpins to the guys' stomachs so they feel how it's like to be pregnant and then hooks them up to a labor simulator. John said that it hurts and feels like they are being electrocuted. Lauren reveals that her husband did not last more than two minutes. Abbie reveals that she won't be having 19 children.
Jana heads to see Jinger in LA and the girls head for shopping on Rodeo Drive. Jinger loves to follow clothing trends and dubbed the family fashion queen. Jeremy loves clothing and has helped her keep up with the latest trends.
Jana says that she has branched out and bought need items but it's hard because it's expensive and she does like paying that much on clothing.
The sisters say that they used to called their style "modest modern" but Jinger reveals her new goal is to dress classy. Jana adds that looking at the old photos and how they dress was oh my word.
During their time at Boulmiche, an employee and Jinger convince Jana to try on some tops and skirts that are bit outside of her comfort zone. Jinger falls in love with a plaid jacket and finds out that it's 300 dollars. Jinger reveals that she had been looking for a jacket like this for a long time and knew that it would be quality and last her forever.
Jana agrees with her sister and didn't end up buying anything. Michelle responds whoa when one of the producer mentions Jinger's purchase and Jim Bob adds that it must be one nice jacket.
Back home, the guys set up for the moms to have a childless gathering at the Baylor house. They make homemade face masks and put up decorations. When the girls arrive with Kendra's mother, they are blown away from the thoughtfulness. They question the face mask but go along with them. Christina's face ends up being burned but was a good sport.
Joy had prayed that she would have a hard time around Lauren, Anna, and Kendra since her daughter was supposed to be born around the same time. Joy reveals that God answered her prayer. She reveals that she is excited to meet her new nieces and is happy for her sisters-in-law.
During the meal, the girls talk about the struggles of motherhood and write down questions so the other moms can weigh in and give advice.
Meanwhile, Joseph, Austin and Ben have their four boys at the Seewalds house.

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