Saturday, February 3, 2018

Remebering Grandpa Duggar

Jim Bob's father would be celebrating his 82nd birthday today. Days after his birthday, nine years ago, he passed away on February 9, 2009.
He has two children, one daughter in law, twenty-two grandchildren, seven grandchildren in law, and thirteen great-grandchildren.


  1. Today would of been my father's 95th birthday, same day as Jim Bob's dad, missing him so much.

  2. Thirteen? Is someone else pregnant?

    1. Josh and Anna miscarried their second child. That's where the 13 comes in.

  3. Shouldn't it be seven grandchildren in law?

    Anna, derick, Ben, Dillon, Jeremy, Kendra and austin?

  4. Is this the same father that they rolled out of his death bed in an office chair for his birthday? That was disgusting and showed that JB didn't give a rat's behind about his father.

    1. I don't see it the same way you do. He was trying to honor his father on his birth. I honestly believe that you send positive things out there and hope that you would do the same.

    2. yes it was the same father that jim bob rolled out in the office chair to celebrate his dad's last birthday with the family for the words disgusting that's rude , tlc of course wanted to show that because its jim bob's father and it was his last birthday with the family and the dad was shown on the show a few times so this was the best way to honor his dad


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