Sunday, August 6, 2023

our statement regarding Amy and Deanna

We have been getting a lot of messages on our Facebook page about Deanna and Amy's recent tiktok about Anna. 
Amy and Deanna,

If Anna asked you to give her space and you make a tiktok about it is wrong on so many levels. 

You claim to love and support her but you are doing the opposite. 

You seem to be using the Duggar family problem to gain views on your channel.

You need to stop and see what you are doing to Anna and the kids. They don't deserve this kind of treatment from you and your mom. 


  1. I Absolutely Agree! Amy is Definitely using the Duggars problem to gain views on her channel. I pray both she and her mom would stop and do the right thing by supporting Anna and the kids.

    1. I remember Amy and her mother all over them when the show was running, and now.....

  2. Amy & Deanna your nothing but nasty it’s a heartless thing to do……

  3. I don't think peoples personal business should b all over social media

  4. Why would anyone be nasty to or mean about Anna? She’s done nothing wrong, it’s her business where she’s at with regards to her relationship with Josh. She and her kids have been dealt a pretty hard hand in life and for anyone to make tik toks with any mention to Anna, that’s pretty low.

  5. I agree!! That is not giving her space, it is rude and nasty.

  6. I am a supporter of Amy and Deanna, but I do feel their video was tacky. First of all, the attention is now turned to them and the Duggar drama and not on this precious family who has lost a loved one. So if they were going to do a video they could have waited till after the funeral. Second, their tone was very snarky and not Christ like, in my opinion.

  7. I think their hearts may be in the right place the the actions they are taking can be harmful rather than helpful. We get why they want to see them leave. Not just for Anna but for those kids. Religion and beliefs aside she is still choosing to stand by a man who was convicted of a terrible crime and as a child who was s****ly abused I would hope that if my mom chose to keep me around that person ppl would fight to make sure I was protect and safe. There is so much here and we only get pieces of it’s.

    1. As a person who was s——lly abused it’s neither the time nor the place for their or your snarky comments. What Anna chooses to do concerning her marriage isn’t anyone’s business. Anna has asked for space so give it to her instead of pumping up the so called Christianity y’all are showing her! It makes me glad I practice my Native American religion!

  8. I feel Amy and Deanna had every right to make that video. Anna made her and her children's lives public, so now she receives publicity because of it. Go Amy and Deanna!

    1. The saddest thing about it is that Anna wanted space. They didn’t even needed to make a video about it. They chose to ignore her wishes and make a video. I used to be a fan of Amy but what she is doing is harmful to those kids.

    2. Real Christian of you, remember you answer to the Creator for what you say and think!

    3. At 7:32, in my opinion, they gave Anna space just like she asked for. They stopped talking to her and walked away. They didn't film her or post a picture of her on social media. They simply talked about their side of things.

    4. However when someone ask for space that doesn't mean hours later to talk about them behind their back. It is just going to make things worse. If they would have said that they were there for her and when she wants to talk to reach out is giving her apporiate space instead of making a video basically bashing her for asking for space. They have been making videos after videos attacking their family and that is just poor choices on their part.

    5. What Jim Bob and Michelle did was in the past and Amy needs to stop exploiting it for views in my opinion. Imagine how the parents would feel if their son had been touching their daughters. I get that Amy and Deanna's feelings are hurt because they were not told what was going on with josh and the girls but it's time to get over it.

    6. @4:37am Look it did not need to be posted on social media. They have lost any respect from me. Amy needs to stop what she is doing because it's not helping those kids.

    7. Amy is just seeking attention in my opinion. She is just using Anna for it. Imagine what it is doing to the kids that Josh and Anna have. They are seeing someone basically bashing their mother, father, and grandparents.

    8. They are only doing what their parents have taught them to do

    9. How are they doing what their parents taught them to do? Amy is not the daughter of Jim Bob. She is attention seeking adult because she knows that exploiting what happened with Josh and the S.A.

    10. The fact that you needed to leave the same comment twice but attempted to change the words a little bit doesn't fool anyone. We all know that you are the same person.

    11. So tell us all how you think that they are doing what their parents taught them to do when this post was about Cousin Amy.

    12. I appericate the fact that Duggar and Bates author is taking a stand against Amy's bullying towards Anna. Amy claims that she loves and supports Anna but she really doesn't. She just wants to use the duggar name for frame and bullying.

  9. I don’t understand they are only using the media the way their parents taught them too

    1. So tell us all how you think that they are doing what their parents taught them to do when this post was about Cousin Amy.


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