
Sunday, December 13, 2015

New show tonight!

Tonight marks the return of Jill and Jessa as they work through things that has happen to their family.

1 comment:

  1. The show was beautiful and so well presented. I couldn't help but cry.

    There is an assumption that Christians are perfect, which is painfully untrue. We are tarnished, cracked and flawed, but loved beyond measure, and forgiven of every sin.

    See, I have walked that road of infidelity before. I had gone outside my marriage, just to find out my husband had as well, at the very same time. It was truly the most painful time of my life.

    I needed to offer my husband forgiveness, as I asked for it myself. I wanted to see him feel remorse, while I was overcome with it for my own choices. I hoped for restoration, but we both had to be willing. It took a great amount of time, prayer, honestly, soul searching and grace. But I always knew I loved my husband, and just as my sin was not above Christ's forgiveness, neither was it above his.

    We now have 26 years of marriage under our belt, 3 children and 3 granddaughters. We may have made some bad choices, but we made a conscious decision to choose love and forgiveness. God's love in action.

    Anna, it is a rough road. You have lots of crying to do, grieving for the pain and processing of the forgiveness, but it can be done. And it can be done to glorify the name of the Lord. There is nothing to feel ashamed about when you reach that point of being able to recognize your love for your husband can offer the grace you need to forgive his actions.

    You remain in my prayers!


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