
Friday, February 10, 2012

Trivia answers

True or False has Kelly Bates been pregnant more then Michelle Duggar? True!
What song did Josh sing to Anna at their wedding? He sang "I Will Be Loyal to You".
True or False Josh met Anna at a Yogurt Shop False. He met her at an ATI Homeschooling Conference.
 How many years did Josh and Anna know each other before they got married? 2 years He met her in 2006 and they married in 2008.
Where did Josh and Anna go on their honeymoon? They went to Myrtle Beach, SC.
What is Anna's greatest phobia? Heights are Anna's greatest phobia.
 Which Duggars went to El Salvador in 2008?
Jim Bob, Josh, Anna, Jana, John-David, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joseph, Josiah, Joy-Anna, Jedidiah, and Jeremiah.
 Which city did Jessa and Jinger go to for the Music Conference in the "Deep Dish Duggars" episode? They went to Chicago.
True or False Michelle Duggar skydived in the "Bates vs. Duggars Smackdown" episode. False. Michelle was pregnant at the time.
True or False The Duggars met Kirk Cameron in the "Lights, Camera, Duggars" episode. True.

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