
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

counting on update

We have some sad news to share with you all.
Tlc has decided to cancel counting on to give the family time to heal.
we currently are deciding if we want to continue our website or say goodbye. We will let you know.


  1. Keep the page up for now to give fans updates about the family and sharing and but decided later on whats the best option is if Duggar’s say they are coming back on tv but if they say it’s gods will for them to end the era of being on tv then say goodbye. It’s your page do what you want.

  2. Keep the page up for now to give fans updates about the family and sharing and but decided later on whats the best option is if Duggar’s say they are coming back on tv but if they say it’s gods will for them to end the era of being on tv then say goodbye. It’s your page do what you want.

  3. Keep the page up for now to give fans updates about the family and sharing and but decided later on whats the best option is if Duggar’s say they are coming back on tv but if they say it’s gods will for them to end the era of being on tv then say goodbye. It’s your page do what you want.

  4. Keep the page up for now to give fans updates about the family and sharing and but decided later on whats the best option is if Duggar’s say they are coming back on tv but if they say it’s gods will for them to end the era of being on tv then say goodbye. It’s your page do what you want.

  5. Thank you to your family for sharing your lives, Ive learnt so much. I pray the joy of the Lord Jesus Christ will continue to be your strength and amidst this trial the essence of who of Jehovah our God will be evident. Much blessings, sorry to see you go!!

  6. If it is okay with the "Duggar" clan, please keep this page up and continue to update us. We can believe what you write and not have to wonder if other stories are lies or truth. Myself as probably most fans have been watching the Duggar from day 1 when they all were adorable little tots. I watched each and every Duggar grow up. I watched through all of their happy times, accomplishments, growth spurts, hair style and clothing changes, marriages and babies. I watched them build their home "Duggar" home and then move into their married homes. I witnessed their courtships to their wedding and first kisses, to their honeymoons to the births of their children. I enjoyed their family vacations just as much as they did. I learned recipes from them and sewing tips. I saw their holidays and their volunteering. I was there to laugh with them at every joke and surprise. So very, very, very many happy memories. But, I was also their for the sad times, the times of loss of loved ones and when things just didn't go as planned. My tears were real! The "Duggars" became my family and now you are taking my family away from me. All I will have left is these updates, please do not take that away from me too!

    1. I agree!! I've been watching since 14 kids and pregnant again. I will miss the Duggars. I hope with time they will once again share their family with us.

  7. Please leave this account open if you can and update us on the family as you are able! My entire family watch the show and even my children age 9 and 5 love watching and hearing about you all!

  8. I am very sad to see Counting On go. I have been a fan of the Duggars since the beginning. If it's ok with the Duggar family; then I hope you will at least continue updating us on the Duggar family. I check your blog everyday for new updates. I would like to know if there are any new courtships, weddings, baby announcements and other Duggar news. I hope maybe one day if the Duggar family ever decides to return to tv they could go with another network such as UPTV or another channel. Counting On was one of my favorite shows to watch on TLC. I will miss the Duggar family on tv but I still hope we will continue to at least get updates.

  9. Some of my favorite moments from the old shows and Counting On…

    When Jim Bob maneuvered himself between Jill and Derrick while walking in Nepal. Haha! So silly but such a “dad” thing.

    When Derick asked if Jill would marry him and Jill said, “Totalleee!” Hee hee, still makes me giggle!

    When Derick and barefoot Jill ran full speed out of the sanctuary after their ceremony.

    When Ben and barefoot Jessa were crammed into the tiny office with M & JB (and supposedly crew) while JB took a phone video, and it was all poor Ben could do to stammer out, “I was just wondering if you wanted to make it… uh, official… and… you wanted… to officially… court me.” Hahahahaha! MOST AWKWARD courtship proposal ever! Sooo adorable!

    When Jessa chose a sparkly, blush-tone wedding dress with a huge, floofy, yet not overly puffy skirt and amazing train. Still my favorite of all Duggar wedding dresses.

    All of Anna’s on-camera baby deliveries. I loved how she prayed those babies out of her every time.

    When Michelle and Josie had skin to skin time in the NICU. I could almost sense the warmth between them.

    When Jessa said “oh, so painful” during Spurgeon’s labor, because it was such real and honest expression. I’ll never forget how I welled up with tears for her in that moment.

    When Michelle tearfully prayed with Jim Bob upon learning they had lost Jubilee, “The Lord gives and The Lord takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord.” Oh sister, how hard it is to praise Him in the midst of deep pain, but you did. Being a faithful Christian is the first step to being the best mama you can be.

    Every goofy face Jinger ever made. Love that chick!

    All of Josiah’s pranks.

    When Jill posed for a photo with all the babies whose births she had attended.

    That Jinger called Jeremy “Babe” allll the time while they courted as though it was His given name. LOL

    When John David fell in love and was transformed into a totally different guy. Suddenly all smiles all the time, and poetic, romantic talk constantly flowing for his Abbie. I never saw a happier man in my life.

    All the marriage proposals.

    All the weddings.

    All the pregnancy announcements and gender reveals.

    All the baby deliveries … but Lauren’s was hardest to watch. I can’t believe what she went through. I hope she and Josiah will adopt from now on so she never has to go through that again.

    When Jana’s amazing garden was first revealed.

    When the family surprised Jana with a greenhouse.

    I don’t think this was on any of the broadcast episodes but when Josie recorded the National Anthem and she hit the high note just 100% perfectly. It gave me goose pimples. Little girl with a big voice!

    And a bunch more great moments but those are what come to mind here and now.

  10. I for one will miss watching. I love watching the kids grow up.

  11. I enjoy your show. Those of us who are faithful pray for each one of you. Nothing is held against you. There is mercy and grace for all from our loving Creator. Blessings to you all. I care deeply about you all.

  12. I wish I could see watch a new season of Counting On

    1. me too, I wanted to see Justin and Jedidiah weddings

    2. I would Like you to continue the side, I like all the other updates you do

  13. The Lord bless you, whatever you decide. But I would love to have periodic updates.

  14. Will always follow your family, love the updates, love your family, please keep it going, if you did a show yourself I would subscribe and watch.

  15. you do what you need to do. Don't let other opinions sway your own. You know what is best for you and family. I wish you well


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