
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Big News

19 kids and counting is returning on September 2nd!

Recap of July!

This month has been busy for the family. We are so excited to see next month is going to have in store for the duggars

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The dillard's first month

It's weird that Derick and Jill have been married for a month on two weeks ago however on Monday, July 21, they celebrated their first anniversary.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Jennifer's seventh birthday cover

Jennifer's birthday is on Saturday and so we made a cover photo for her special day

Monday, July 28, 2014

Michelle Duggar Remembers a Special Wedding Gift

Question from facebook: Did you and Jim Bob have a really memorable or unique gift from your wedding?
Wow, I had so many wonderful gifts from that special day. There are quite a few that come to mind, but there’s one in particular that my family and I really appreciated and use to this day.

When Jim Bob and I were setting up our home, we had a beautiful wood table that folded out so that you could add leaves and make it really big. We found it used and just loved it. Of course, when we were first married, we kept it folded down because there were just two chairs and the two of us at the time. So as a surprise, a sweet elderly couple that lived near us arranged to make us something really special for the table. They were like our adopted grandparents and they lived three doors down from our first honeymoon cottage.

Unbeknownst to me, they came into the house one day and measured our table so they could create a one-of-a-kind handmade crochet table cover. The best part was that they made it big enough to fit the table when it was fully expanded with all the leaves in place. When they presented it to me, I just cried. I had dreamed of the day we could expand the table to its fullest and see a big family around it. It just seemed like it’d be forever before we’d be able to unfold it all the way and actually use it. I couldn’t wait. We used it for special parties, baby showers, wedding showers, and events for friends until our own family was large enough to fit around it. That tablecloth has been a special keepsake all these years, and I have used it over and over.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Q&A part 4

Julie: Is Jim Bob and Michelle thinking about adopting a child to put in their home?

The last time that we heard was that they were praying about having to adopt another child

Donna: What (future) career choices do all the kids who haven't chose one wish to pursue?

Not sure yet. It's whatever God has placed in their heart

Susan :How does the entire family feel niw that Jill is married and no longer living at home? How has the change affected the happenings around the house?

I am sure that they miss Jill since she was a big help with cooking and with the younger ones. They still see a lot of her.

Karen: How do you keep teens from falling into peer pressure and stop the altitude?

Michelle puts a stop to them and normally they are not in that sitituation to began with.

Melissa :I have enjoyed watching this family grow - and grow up - throughout the years. A very inspirational family. I'm wondering what plans Jana and John David have? Are either of them in a relationship yet?

Jana and John are not in a courtship. Jana wants to be a doula while John David is learning to be pilot.

Ally: Same here. I home school three kids on one computer. How did you do all of your kids?

Each child is different on how they learn.

Cindy: I am homeschooling my 3 grandchildren on a tight budget. I would love any tips.

Each child is different on how they learn. Make sure that you pick something that is right for your family.

Tina: If Jessa is older & her & Ben have been courting longer why did Jill marry first?

We wish that we could answer it but we can't. Jill is actually the one that is older than Jessa but I don't think that matter on how old they are. It's just making sure that you know that person really well since the family doesn't believe in divorce.

Carissa : Are Jim Bob and Michelle still considering a fertility specialist to have another child?

I am not sure

Brandy: What is something you haven't covered yet?

There is more to be seen on the next season of 19 kids and counting airing this fall

It's trivia time!

This week are we going to include Jennifer's trivia questions. I hope that you like them

1. When was Jennifer born?

2. How many brothers and sisters does Jennifer have that are older?

3. How many brothers and sisters does Jennifer have that are younger?

4. How old was Jennifer when Josh married Anna?

5. How old was Jennifer when Jill married Derick?

6. How old was Jennifer when she became an aunt for the first time?

7. Who was Jennifer's buddy?

Coming up this week

Fans asked we answer part 3

Q&A part 4

Josh and Anna's anniversary covers

Jennifer's birthday cover

Trivia questions 4

Trivia answers 4

August 2014

Jennifer turns 7

Saturday, July 26, 2014

part 3

Kristen: It is obvious that you guys cook A LOT! What are some of your favorite dishes. Best homemade dessert?

All their favorites are on their website:

Delainie: What is the funniest moment you experienced?

Pretty sure that they would say their trips to the ireland where they watch Amy climb on to the cow.

Rachel: How hard is it to take care of such a loving large family?

The whole family helps out that way they are not doing that much.

Lyn:Why do they sometimes feed the small babies laying down on the kitchen bench, surely this is a choking hazard.

They have taught the kids on what's wrong and right to do in the house.

Trivia answers #3

1. What is Jim Bob's birthday? July 18

2. How many siblings does Jim Bob have? one

3. How old was Jim Bob when he got married to Michelle? 19

4. How old was he when they welcomed Josh into the world?  23

5. How old was he when they welcomed Josie into the world? 44

Friday, July 25, 2014

Fans asked, we answered part 2

Megan:The families feelings about LGBT people ?

We can't answer that questions on how they feel about it but this is what the Lord has put on my heart to say. It's a choice for them to live their way and it makes them happy. I just know that I honestly don't support it.

Janet: love the show. When are you coming back on? Can't waite to see the wedding and When is Jessa and Ben getting engaged?

TLC has revealed that it's coming in the fall. Ben and Jessa will get engaged when the time is right

Kathy: Is Michele or JimBob feeling the empty nest syndrome with the children starting to leave the nest.

They might be but they still have 17 kids living at home right now. Jill goes over to the house all the time

Dawn: are there any of the kids left handed?

I don't know the answer to that

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Fans asked we answered part one!

Pam asked: when Jill got married and left home, how was it determined what clothes she would be able to take with her because all the grown girls share? by the way ya'll are a wonderful family!!! love your show...

I am not postivie if the family did this but I am pretty sure that the girls (older ones) just sat down and went through the clothes that Jill wanted to take. I am also that she got some new ones.

Jeanette: Is Jana in a courtship? Are any of the boys in a courtship?

As far as we know that Jana is not in a courtship or any of the boys. They are waiting for the Lord to light the way to their future spouse.

Snowell asked: Tips for mating socks & ensuring they go to the right person? I have a family of 7 & everyone's white socks look the same & about the same size

The duggars revealed that the boys normally wear black socks and the girls wear white.

Jordyn's new photo

Jordyn-Grace was born on December 18, 2008. She just turned five years old last December. Here's a new photo of her.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

New photos!

We are going to be starting something new on our blog! Once a month we are going to be posting photos and sending a link
Jinger Duggar

James Duggar

Jim Bob Duggar

Michelle Duggar

Jessa Duggar

Mary "Grandma" Duggar

It's time to plan a wedding part 2

Yesterday, we posted the first part of the interview about Jill's wedding and today we are going to wrap up the interview.

Jill wanted her wedding to be Do it yourself kind of wedding so she looked on Pinterest and craigslist. She even found a woman that was in thir local area that was arried six months before Jill. Jill brought tree stumps from craigslist and went to Sierra and asked her to put 1 Corinthians on the tree stumps for her.

At the wedding reception, the guest were served sweet and salty foods that were made by volunteers. Here what was on the tables

Sweet Table

3,000 servings of cake brought in from across the nation

2,000 cupcakes

3,000 cookies baked at a cookie making party at the Duggars' house

3,000 root beer floats

Salty Table


Trail mix


Chips and homemade salsa made by one of Jill's clients

Sierra and her team had an amazing time helping Jill planned her wedding. Sierra had to make sure that Derick's mom was able to stay close to her son since she is battling cancer. His mom was not able to go to the rehearsal dinner but was able to make it to her son's wedding.

Sierra reveals that she doesn't have what it takes to be wedding coordinator since everyone is so love and so joyful. Sierra even made sure that Cathy (Derick's mom) was able to see her son eat the cake. Sierra is excited to see what the Lord has in storage for both Derick and Jill.

Sierra is a wife and mother of three boys and expecting their first daughter. Sierra has appeared on 19 kids and counting before when Anna was making Michael's first birthday cake.

Photo credits: Sierra's instagram and Jill's instagram

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

It's time to plan a wedding part 1

Right after Derick and Jill got engaged, Jill started to plan her wedding. She wanted to make sure that she incudled her sisters and mom along with a few friends. Sierra gave us the inside tip of planning the wedding. Sierra is not a professional wedding planner but she does help out with planning the wedding. Sierra has planned a couple of weddings and offered her help to Derick and Jill right after they got engaged.

Sierra went up to Jill and said "If you want help with it, I would love to help you." Jill agreed to the help. Sierra and her friends had three months to plan out every single detail of the wedding. Jill gave them the ideal number of guest which was 3,000 people but only around 1,500 actually showed up for the wedding.

Jill had many helpers from her friends to her sisters and mom to help plan her wedding. Jill and Derick knew what they wanted and show it all to Sierra who was happy to help. The wedding was pretty much a Pinterest wedding. Jill came up with the idea of hanging both her mother and grandma's dress and Derick's father's police uniform.

Derick and Jill wanted to make everyone feel honor to be there with them on their special day. It was so cute.

We can't wait until it airs. There is another part to this blog that will be up tomorrow!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Here's to 30 years!

Jim Bob and Michelle are celebrating their 30th years of marriage. In their marriage, They have been pregnant twenty times and that features two sets of twins and two miscarriages. They watched two of their children (Josh and Jill) exchange their wedding vows to both Anna and Derick! They welcomed three grandchildren. They are excited to see what else the Lord has planned for their marriage. Who knows they could welcome another child into their big family

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Trivia questions #3

Hey guys,

It's the third week of our trivia questions and that means that on Sunday there is a new one. Jim Bob just celebrated his 49th birthday.

1. What is Jim Bob's birthday?

2. How many siblings does Jim Bob have?

3. How old was Jim Bob when he got married to Michelle?

4. How old was he when they welcomed Josh into the world?

5. How old was he when they welcomed Josie into the world?

Make sure that you check out the trivia answers on Saturday!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

A month of being married!

Derick and Jill are celebrating their first month of being married. We are so excited for their first month and year of being married.

Trivia answers #2

Hey guys,

It's time for the end of this week's trivia questions to be answered

1. What were Jill and Derick's wedding colors? light blue and white

2. How old was Justin on the first special aired? 2 years old

3. How old was Jackson when they started the first season? 4 years old

4. How long did it take for Anna to get pregnant with their first child? four months into their marriage

5. How many years did it take Jim Bob and Michelle to get pregnant with their first child? four years into their marriage

Friday, July 18, 2014

Papa Duggar turns 49!

Jim Bob is celebrating his 49th birthday today! We hope that he has a special day!

Thursday, July 17, 2014

wedding anniversary cover

Hey guys,
We are looking to see if any of you would like to make Josh and Anna's wedding anniversary cover for facebook. The deadline is September 15th! Please email us at with the cover photos! 

Thank you!

Jana update!!!

Is Jana courting?
We don't know if Jana is courting. We are pretty sure that she is just waiting for the lord to point the right person in her way that she is meant to be with

New cover photo on facebook!

We scheduled the new cover photo to come out on Sunday morning but we wanted to share it here first. So let's take a look at our new cover photo that will go up when we don't have any birthdays for a while!

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Jill's wedding

Michelle talks about her daughter's dress
Who created Jill's top to her dress

Reaction to Jlll Duggar's dress from Ava Laurénne Bride

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Question: When will the show return?

This is the question that we have been getting all the time right after the season a ended. 19 kids and counting is scheduled to return sometime in September or October. We will let you know as soon as we know.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Question: Wedding special?!

 We have been asked if Derick and Jill's wedding is going to be aired as a special. We asked TLC to confirmed their plans on what they are going to do.

TLC has decided that they are going to have the second part of the season feature the wedding planning and all the way up to the wedding day it's self.


Have any questions?

Comment either here or facebook and we will be happy to answer them!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Fourth birthday of Fan page of the duggar family!

It's a big day for our page! We have been on facebook and this blog for four years. We are so thankful for you guys being apart of this page!

Trivia questions #2

Hey guys, we are back with the second week of trivia.

1. What were Jill and Derick's wedding colors?

2. How old was Justin on the first special aired?

3. How old was Jackson when they started the first season?

4. How long did it take for Anna to get pregnant with their first child?

5. How many years did it take Jim Bob and Michelle to get pregnant with their first child?

Don't forget to check on Sunday for the answers of this week's trivia

Saturday, July 12, 2014

3 weeks to the day!

Derick and Jill have been married for three weeks. The couple had originally said that we had to wait to release the photos of their wedding weekend. We will have more photos soon!

Bates special on ABC

The Bates (friends with the duggars) are on TV tonight on Night time prime on ABC at 10 pm. ABC has revealed to us that they will have the episode on their website for all those that missed it

Trivia answers

Thank you all that were apart of our trivia questions this past week and here's the answers of this week's trivia questions.

1. How long did Derick know Jim Bob before he made his first contract with Jill? 1 year and half

2. How long has Ben and Jessa been courting? 10 months

3. How long were Derick and Jill courting before getting engaged? 5 months

4. How long has it been since Josh and Anna got engaged? six years

5. How many years has Jim Bob and Michelle been married? almost 30 years

Stay tune tomorrow!

Wedding photos are released!

The wedding photos are going to be posted today! So be sure to check out our facebook and this blog for more updates!

Friday, July 11, 2014

Who's your favorite Duggar?

Last night we asked this question on our facebook and we got a lot of response!

Heidi: Jinger

Candi: Jessa

Dalton: Grandma Duggar

Rachel: Josie

Brett and Lynne: Everyone!

Suzanne: Michelle Duggar All About The Duggars Also, Josie.....She will always be the one they almost lost if the family had not jumped in as a group and saved the life on earth for Michelle so she could be with the baby. Love each and Everyone of them the same I sure do.

Lana: Jessa

Claire: everyone

Kelly: Jessa

Sarah: all of them

Katherine: James and Jackson

Tia: Michelle and Jackson

Kimmie: Josie

Jennifer: Jill

Clarissa: Jinger

Kristi: Jana

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Dillard family bio!

Derick and Jill just got married about a month ago!

The little duggar family bio!

Josh Duggar married his wife Anna Duggar in September 2008. They found out that they were pregnant four months into their marriage. They welcomed their first daughter, Mackynzie, in October 2009. They found out that they were pregnant with their second child on Mackynzie's first birthday. They welcomed their son, Michael, in June 2011. They found out that they were pregnant with their third child right after the family got back from celebrating Michelle's birthday in China. They welcomed their son, Marcus, in June 2013!

Anna and Josh are currently NOT expecting a fourth child!

Duggar family bio

  1. Jim Bob
  2. Michelle
  3. Josh
  4. Jana
  5. John-David
  6. Jill
  7. Jessa
  8. Jinger
  9. Joseph
  10. Josiah
  11. Joy Anna
  12. Jedidiah
  13. Jeremiah
  14. Jason
  15. James
  16. Justin
  17. Jackson
  18. Johannah
  19. Jennifer
  20. Jordyn-Grace
  21. Josie

Courtship vs dating

Now that the duggars have two kids (Josh and Jill) are married and Jessa is courting. We wanted to share with you.

Duggar flashback

Michelle sat down with the cameras when she was pregnant with Jordyn and we got a glimpse of what she does as a form of correcting the kids when they act up.

Interview with Josh Duggar

In the video Josh shares everything that he stands up for

one more week!

Jim Bob and the kids, that went,  have one more week until they are back home from their mission trip. We hope that they are all safe and helping lead people to Christ.

Michelle Duggar’s Budget Honeymoon

For our honeymoon, Jim Bob and I planned a trip near our home because that’s what we could afford. We were going to go to Mount Nebo and Lake Fort Smith, both in Arkansas. We chose state parks for our destinations because the cabins there were so reasonable.

When we arrived at our first destination, we couldn’t believe the difference between the photo on the brochure and the reality. We chuckle about this now, but I did not go and look at the places ahead of time. I just looked at the brochures and I thought "Okay, it’s a state park and what we see is what we’re going to get." The picture showed a lovely cabin right beside a beautiful flowing river, but when we got there, the cabin was really rundown with awful orange curtains -- and cobwebs everywhere! On top of that, the river was completely dried up; there was no water at all. So we opted instead to go into town and stayed at a hotel in Fort Smith. We didn’t get the setting we were anticipating for our first night together, but it was still sweet. Next, we went on to the incredibly scenic Mount Nebo and stayed for a few nights. At that point, our car started acting up and we were like, you know what? Let’s just go home to our house, to our new place, since we were looking forward to being there together.

It was a small fixer-upper house, about 900 square feet total, and Jim Bob got such a good deal on it. We spent the rest of our honeymoon fixing up our little house, which definitely needed a lot of work! Jim Bob had moved in a month before the wedding, but I didn’t move in until after we were married so this was our first time living together.

Before our wedding, we had ripped out all of the cupboard doors in the kitchen and sanded them down, but we didn’t have time to finish them before we got married. So when we got back after our honeymoon, there were no doors on our kitchen cabinets and the place needed a lot of work, but that was okay. We were living on love and it was so exciting.

It was just so precious to be in our own house together for the first time. Jim Bob was already being a husband and working on the car. I remember thinking, "Oh, how romantic. He’s at our house and he’s working on our car." It’s funny the little things that you just hold dear to your heart forever.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


We have been asked if we have instagram?

We don't have instagram.

The duggars are on instagram







Date night with the Dillards!

Ihop was having their birthday for being in business for more than 56 years and so they were doing a special for .56 cents. Here's some photos of Derick and Jill's date night

When will Derick and Jill have their first child?

We will have to wait to see what God has in store for this couple.

Happy 13th birthday!

James is turning 13 years old today! We are so excited to see what God has in store for him this year!

Trivia questions

1. How long did Derick know Jim Bob before he made his first contract with Jill?

2. How long has Ben and Jessa been courting?

3. How long were Derick and Jill courting before getting engaged?

4. How long has it been since Josh and Anna got engaged?

5. How many years has Jim Bob and Michelle been married?

Don't forget to leave your answers in the comment section and we will be back on Saturday with the answers. Don't forget to check out the wedding blogs that were posted a week ago!

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Two week anniversary photos!

Derick and Jill have been married for two weeks as of today. We only have one more week on the wedding photos hold and we are so excited to share with you the wonderful day that both Derick and Jill experience on their wedding day.

Two weeks and counting

Derick and Jill have been married for the past two weeks. We are so excited for their future.

SOS ministries

Jessa, Jinger and Ben are heading down to Central America for the next 12 days on a mission trip to help SOS ministries. Many of the duggars have gone down to do mission trips for SOS. Josh and Jim Bob went down first and then Jim Bob felt God's calling to invite all of his children to go down since it would be a life changing experience.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Fourth of July!

The duggar family is celebrating fourth of July. They love celebrating the freedom that our country.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

17 kids are living at home

There is only 17 kids living at the house right now.

  1. Jana
  2. John-David
  3. Jessa
  4. Jinger
  5. Josiah
  6. Joseph
  7. Joy Anna
  8. Jedidiah
  9. Jeremiah
  10. Justin
  11. James
  12. Jason
  13. Jackson
  14. Johannah
  15. Jennifer
  16. Jordyn-Grace
  17. Josie

Secret Honeymoon: Derick and Jill

Derick and Jill have been home for a couple of days and now they are ready to revealed their honeymoon location. On June 22, 2014; Derick and Jill headed to a beach house in Kill Devil Hills, North Carolina for their honeymoon.

Jill revealed that every morning they would go outside and sit on the deck and enjoyed listening to the waves. Jill reveals that it was so beautiful since they went there before there was a lot of people there for the season. While there they went eat pinic lunches and then go for walks and visited the national memorial and light houses.

Now they are home and settling into their new married life. They are enjoying every minute of it and looks forwards to the future. Jill reveals that she has the most amazing guy and everything about being married to Derick is awesome.

Jill and Derick are loving that Derick has a short commute to his work and can meet her for lunch dates.

Jill is adjusting to only cooking for two people after coming from a home of seventeen other siblings and her parents and grandma.

19 kids and counting will feature their wedding in the fall. We might even get a glimpse of their honeymoon.

Michelle Duggar Remembers Her Wedding Day

My wedding to Jim Bob almost 30 years ago was sweet and simple. We got married in our church where our pastor officiated our ceremony. At the time, our church was still being built so we were meeting in a big gymnasium for services. We actually got married in the hallway of the building -- we had set up folding chairs to use as pews! And we did the exact same thing when we renewed our vows 25 years later.

I wanted to do as much as I could myself as a way to save money and keep the expenses reasonable. We didn’t buy flowers and barely even decorated the hall. Our backdrop was a lattice that we had woven through with crepe paper. Our colors were all pastels; yellow, pink, green and blue. I even made my own bouquet using fake flowers so I could keep them to decorate my home with later. When my sister arrived from out of town and noticed that I didn’t have any flowers, she offered to create a flower display to put up behind the altar area. She used silk flowers and made a beautiful arrangement.

For the wedding cake, I made it myself and froze it. A friend decorated it for me using icing that she made with ingredients I bought for her. Another special touch was wearing Jim Bob’s mother’s wedding dress as my dress. Everything we did for our wedding was so inexpensive, but perfect for us. We wanted to spend our money on our honeymoon, which was our first time to be alone together.

The reception was very simple with cake, nuts and punch. It was such a sweet time! We invited our closest friends and family (about 200 people). When we had our 25th anniversary renewal of our vows, we repeated the same reception style with the same songs and even the same pastor.

Although we didn’t videotape our wedding, we took a lot of pictures and we had it recorded on cassette tape. As our children were growing up, we would listen to our wedding cassette again every year on our anniversary. We would reenact the ceremony, show them how we walked down the aisle and tell them the stories about what it was like. It was a great moment to share with them in such a special way.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Bringing back the trivia?!

We get a lot of questions on when we are going to bring back our weekly trivia. I am hoping to be bringing it back on July 6th!

The Voeller Dressing

1 c. olive oil
3 T. Dijon mustard
2 T. Bragg’s™ Liquid Amino, tamari, or soy sauce
2 T. honey
2 T. lemon juice
1 T. thyme
1/2 t. pepper
This dressing stores very well in the refrigerator. The Voeller Dressing can also be served over pasta, potatoes,& vegetables
& can be used as vegetable dip. (Bragg’s™ is much better than soy sauce, & makes a big difference in flavor.)
makes about 1 1/2 c.